He Said, She Said: Bloggers Edition #6.


“Rape stops when rapists stop raping.”

— writer Andie Fox in her Blue Milk blog post But why shouldn’t she take some responsibility for the rape?

“So I’m not going to make myself small any more.  I’m not going to keep myself in a little box and whatever comes out of me next will come without any apology or fear of what it might achieve.”

— artist The Pale Rook in her blog post Artist’s Statement… Part Two

“Editing is like self-grooming with an axe – you just want to trim your nails but you know you’re gonna lose a toe before it’s all over.”

— fiction writer Linda G. Hill in her One-Liner Wednesday post Everything’s Funnier With An Axe

Speak Your Truth. This is the tagline for my website, and although I’ve come a long way, my truth is that I remain a work in progress. I am human, I am flawed, and in certain company, I still find it difficult to speak at all.”

— writer and blogger Stephanie Neighbour in her post Mommy Issues

“Learning new skills and building on our strengths equips us to cope with life’s challenges. At the same time, it allows us to continue to be our autistic selves. Fixing often has the goal of making autistic people indistinguishable from their nonautistic peers, creating the feeling of brokenness that I struggled with. Equipping, on the other hand, promotes acceptance and builds confidence by reducing day-to-day struggles and improving our quality of life.”

— from Musings of an Aspie blog post Acceptance as a Well Being Practice

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